Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Our lives are amazing right now! so much adventure about to happen and yet I still have so much fear about something bad happening to my husband. Call me crazy, but whenever I hear about death all I do is instantly think about Trent and how much my heart would break. Then I cry and cry and cry and then realize he is fine. It sucks. Makes it hard on me sometimes. We had a scare about a month ago about being prego and I was so not excited then yesterday I thought to myself that would be nice to at least have a baby that would be both of us if something ever happened to either of us. All I hope and pray for every day is that he is safe with me at the end of the day. I hate more then ANYTHING leaving him for 4 weeks and the biggest reason is I am a stress ball that something could happen to him while he is away and I won't be able to give him a hug or kiss. I just love him and I know that people are probably annoyed that mushy stuff is being written but its my blog so go away if you don't like it. Anyways hold on to your loved ones and hold them so tight and never let go. Love him with every piece of you. The biggest thing we have learned is when we fight or say something mean that we shouldn't have we just poke each other and laugh and in our ridiculous voices say BABE, and it works. We get over things so quickly and continue to just love each other. I am so grateful for my wonderful marriage and love you Trent even if I am a little crazy.

1 comment:

He.She.&Eloise.... in the city said...

Hey Emily, I just started a blog, and I am learning how to do it slowly ha ha. Anyways, I hope this comment works, I am not exactly a "pro" yet. I just read your post, and had to comment. 4 weeks is a long time!
John is out of town for a month, working in Mexico. It is hard!! I totally know how you feel and definitely agree with you! Cute post.